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How to Setup SonarQube locally on Mac Ref. https://techblost.com/how-to-setup-sonarqube-locally-on-mac/ SonarQube is an open platform for managing continuous inspection of the code quality, which can locate potential errors in the codebase. It currently supports more than 20+ programming languages including support on C#, JavaScript, C/C++, TypeScript, Go, Python, etc., and other languages. In this article, we will see How to Setup .. 2023. 9. 13.
Which HTTP Status Code to Use for Every CRUD App Ref. https://www.moesif.com/blog/technical/api-design/Which-HTTP-Status-Code-To-Use-For-Every-CRUD-App/#:~:text=204%20No%20Content%20%2D%20A%20proper,this%20code%20can%20be%20used. The HTTP specification defines many status codes we can use when responding to our clients. Some APIs only use the most basic codes and define their own error signaling mechanisms on top of it; others want to make ful.. 2022. 2. 22.
OAuth 2.0을 사용하여 API 보안 Ref. https://www.ibm.com/docs/ko/acfc?topic=endpoint-tutorial-securing-api-by-using-oauth-20 2021. 7. 25.
pierotofy/WebODM Ref. https://libraries.io/github/pierotofy/WebODM 2021. 7. 23.
Mocha vs. Jest: comparison of two testing tools for Node.js Ref. https://www.merixstudio.com/blog/mocha-vs-jest/ Application testing is an inseparable part of product development, every developer knows that. Applying Test-Driven Development (TDD) approach supports maintaining a clean, modular, and well-prepared codebase, which tends to deliver high-quality software. JavaScript could be tested using many libraries, although two of the most popular testing.. 2021. 7. 12.
TestDouble Ref. https://martinfowler.com/bliki/TestDouble.html Gerard Meszaros is working on a book to capture patterns for using the various Xunit frameworks. One of the awkward things he's run into is the various names for stubs, mocks, fakes, dummies, and other things that people use to stub out parts of a system for testing. To deal with this he's come up with his own vocabulary which I think is worth .. 2021. 7. 5.
Contract Testing for Node.js Microservices with Pact Ref. https://codersociety.com/blog/articles/contract-testing-pact Contract testing helps ensure the compatibility of microservices and decouples the development and deployment processes of software teams. In this article, you'll learn more about contract testing and how to use Pact to verify and ensure your Node.js microservices' API compatibility. In this article Ensuring API compatibility in d.. 2021. 7. 5.
[Mockito] Mock 개념(Mock Object) Ref. https://www.crocus.co.kr/1555 단위 테스트를 하기 위해서는 한번에 메서드 하나만을 실행해 보는 것인데 이러한 메서드가 다른 네트워크, 데이터베이스 등등 제어하기 어려운 것들에 의존하고 있다면 어떻게 단위 테스트를 해야할까? 즉, 코드가 해당하는 Flow가 아닌 시스템의 다른 부분에 많이 얽혀 있고 의존해있다면 단위 테스트를 하기에는 매우 어려울 것이다. 따라서 이러한 것을 돕기위해 Mock이라는 것이 나타났다. Mock이란? 실제 객체를 만들어 사용하기에 시간, 비용 등의 Cost가 높거나 혹은 객체 서로간의 의존성이 강해 구현하기 힘들 경우 가짜 객체를 만들어 사용하는 방법이다. Mock 객체는 언제 필요한가? 테스트 작성을 위한 환경 구축이 어려운 경우 테스트가 특정 .. 2021. 7. 5.
Mock 이란? Ref. https://minzzang.tistory.com/5 안녕하세요 이번에는 [Mock]에 대해 알아보겠습니다. Mock이란 ? 실제 객체를 만들기엔 비용과 시간이 많이 들거나 의존성이 길게 걸쳐져 있어 제대로 구현하기 어려울 경우, 가짜 객체를 만들어 사용하는데 이것을 Mock이라 합니다. Mock 객체는 언제 필요한가? 테스트 작성을 위한 환경 구축이 어려운 경우 환경 구축을 위한 작업 시간이 많이 필요할 때 Mock객체를 사용합니다. (데이터베이스, 웹서버, FTP서버 등) 아직 개발되지 않은 모듈을 사용하는 테스트가 필요할 때 사용합니다. 테스트가 특정 경우나 순간에 의존적인 경우 테스트 시간이 오래 걸리는 경우 Mock에 대한 기본적인 분류 1. 테스트 더블 테스트를 진행하기 어려운 경우.. 2021. 7. 5.
Harnessing the Power of GraphQL Ref. https://softobiz.com/harnessing-the-power-of-graphql/ REST has been the standard way for designing web APIs over the decade. It has been the reason for some really great ideas like stateless servers and structured access to resources. However, the technology also has a downside. Rest APIs are too inflexible to keep up with constantly changing requirements of clients. For this reason, we nee.. 2021. 6. 30.
Understanding the Event-driven Architecture Ref. https://softobiz.com/understanding-the-event-driven-architecture/ Varied approaches have appeared recently in computing like big data, serverless, microservice architecture, event-driven architecture, etc. Companies like Netflix and its contemporaries are using these approaches. For their application development, Microservice architecture plays a major role. But how do they benefit from mic.. 2021. 6. 30.
request-promise-core Ref. https://www.npmjs.com/package/request-promise-core This package is the core for the following packages: request-promise request-promise-any request-promise-bluebird request-promise-native request-promise-core contains the core logic to add Promise support to request. Please use one of the libraries above. It is only recommended to use this library directly, if you have very specific require.. 2021. 6. 11.
How to Develop a Boilerplate for API with Node.js, Express, and MongoDB Ref. https://hackernoon.com/how-to-develop-a-boilerplate-for-api-with-node-js-express-and-mongodb-4c771ae1c2df For the most part, developers work with the ready project’s code usually created by someone else or developed pretty long ago. That’s why, when it comes to writing their own project from scratch, developer’s mind is usually cluttered with the following questions. What should I begin wit.. 2021. 6. 3.
OAuth 2.0에 대한 가장 간단한 가이드 Ref. ichi.pro/ko/oauth-2-0e-daehan-gajang-gandanhan-gaideu-154420140185019 정말 좋은 접근법입니다. 아래 글을 읽어보시면 좀 더 이해 쉽게 할 수 있습니다. 지난 3 년 동안 저는 기술적 인 배경이없는 사람들, 주로 Authlete, Inc. 의 공동 창립자 인 투자자들에게 OAuth 2.0을 설명했습니다 . (Tech In Asia : " API 보안 스타트 업 Authlete가 $ 1.2를 모금했습니다 m 종자 자금 " ). 그 결과 OAuth 2.0을 이해하기 쉽게 설명 할 수있는 방법을 찾았습니다. 이 기사에서는 단계를 소개합니다. 1. 사용자의 데이터가 있습니다. 2. 사용자의 데이터를 관리하는 서버가 있습니다. 서버를 "리소스 서버"라.. 2021. 4. 27.
Webhook Data Format Ref. www.contentstack.com/docs/developers/set-up-webhooks/webhook-data-format/ When a webhook is triggered, the data received is in the following format: Method: POST Headers: "Content-Type: application/json", "Contentstack-Signature:9876543210" "Body":{ "event":"string", "module":"string", "api_key":"string", "data":"object" } Details of the POST call's 'Body' keys: event One of these [create, .. 2021. 4. 12.
The Logic Apps Webhook Action and the Correlation Identifier Pattern Ref. platform.deloitte.com.au/articles/correlation-identifier-pattern-on-logic-apps Introduction In many business scenarios, there is the need to implement long-running processes which first send a message to a second process and then pause and wait for an asynchronous response before they continue. Being this an asynchronous communication, the challenge is to correlate the response to the origi.. 2021. 4. 12.
Event-sourced game implementation example Part 1/3: Getting started Ref. scalac.io/blog/event-sourced-game-implementation-example-part-1-3-getting-started/ Hi, in this post series we’ll create a really simple (yet complete) event-sourced game. It won’t be anything spectacular thus its rules are as simple as: game creator specifies players taking part each player, one after another, has an opportunity to roll the dice each player’s oppor.. 2021. 4. 12.
What Is an Event-Driven Architecture? Ref. hazelcast.com/glossary/event-driven-architecture/ An Event-Driven Architecture for data and applications is a modern design approach centered around data that describes “events” (i.e., something that just happened). Examples of events include the taking of a measurement, the pressing of a button, or the swiping of a credit card. An event-driven architecture enables applications to act on th.. 2021. 4. 12.