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Webhook Data Format

by 로샤스 2021. 4. 12.

Ref. www.contentstack.com/docs/developers/set-up-webhooks/webhook-data-format/

When a webhook is triggered, the data received is in the following format:

Method: POST Headers: "Content-Type: application/json", "Contentstack-Signature:9876543210"


Details of the POST call's 'Body' keys:


One of these [create, update, delete, publish, publish.start, publish.success, publish.fail, unpublish, unpublish.start, unpublish.success, unpublish.fail]


One of these [content types, entry, asset, release]


The API key of the stack


Response object


Here’s an example of a response object attached to the POST body when trying to update an existing entry in a content type.

               "display_name":"Webhook created",

Here’s an example of a response object attached to the POST body when an asset is published successfully on an environment.


Here's an example of a response object attached to the POST body when an entry is published successfully on an environment


Here's an example of a response object attached to the POST body when an asset is published successfully on an environment


Lastly, here's an example of a response object attached to the POST body when a release has been deployed successfully.


