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AWS SAM Local (베타) – 로컬 기반 서버리스 앱 테스트 및 개발 도구 Ref. stackoverflow.com/questions/12644075/how-to-set-python-variables-to-true-or-falseaws.amazon.com/ko/blogs/korea/new-aws-sam-local-beta-build-and-test-serverless-applications-locally/ 오늘 신규 서버리스(Serverless) 개발 도구 인 SAM Local 베타 버전을 발표했습니다.이 도구를 통해 로컬에서 쉽게 작성하고 테스트 할 수 있습니다. 이 글에서는 SAM local을 사용하여, 개발자들이 코드 개발 시, 탭 혹은 스페이스 선호도 투표 할 수 있는 빠른 애플리케이션을 빌드, 디버그 및 배포하는 예제를 소개해 드리고자 합니다. AWS는 작년에 Serv.. 2021. 4. 9.
Facebook uses Memcache Clusters Ref. medium.com/@shagun/scaling-memcache-at-facebook-1ba77d71c082 Comments: 가장 널리 사용되는 캐싱 서버 기술 2개는 Redis와 Memcache다. This week I read up on Scaling Memcache at Facebook. The paper captures the story of how Facebook created a high-performing, distributed key-value store on top of Memcache (which was back then a simple, in-memory cache) and scaled it to support the world’s largest social network... 2021. 2. 22.
AWS Key Management Service (KMS) Ref. 1. www.suncoreedb.com/aws_kms.html 2. aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/are-kms-custom-key-stores-right-for-you/ 2. docs.aws.amazon.com/ko_kr/secretsmanager/latest/userguide/tutorials_basic.html#tutorial-basic-step1 AWS Key Management Service (KMS) AWS Key Management Service (KMS) is a managed service that makes it easy for you to create and control the encryption keys used to encrypt your data.. 2021. 1. 14.
What is AWS Key Management Service (KMS)? Ref. hackernoon.com/aws-key-management-service-kms-djwf3zvd When we enable the key rotation it would reduce the chance that a compromised customer master key (CMK) could be used without your knowledge to access AWS resources. AWS Keys Rotation: How can we check if Key Rotation is enabled? To determine if your customer master keys have Key Rotation enabled, perform the following: A) Sign in to th.. 2021. 1. 14.
Case Styles: Camel, Pascal, Snake, and Kebab Case Ref. medium.com/better-programming/string-case-styles-camel-pascal-snake-and-kebab-case-981407998841 The most popular ways to combine words into a single string TLDR; camelCase PascalCase snake_case kebab-case Removing spaces between words In programming, we often remove the spaces between words because programs of different sorts reserve the space (‘ ’) character for special purposes. Because t.. 2020. 12. 22.
Sonatype - Nexus Ref. www.sonatype.com/solutions/developers 아래 내용은 좀 오래된 내용으로 없어진 링크도 제법있고, 달라진 것도 있다. 다만 저장소 관리자로 "Nexus Repository OSS" 를 왜 사용하는지에 대한 개념을 이해 할 수 있다. 가장 중요한 내용은 사설 저장소가 왜 필요하는 가이다. 아래와 같은 내용들이 있던데 나는 회사에서 개발한 라이브러리를 공유하지 않고 사용, 관리 하기 위함이다. 사설 리포지토리(Nexus Repository)가 필요한 이유 ​· 회사/단체의 화이트 리스트로 인해 외부 리포지토리에 접속하기 어려운 경우 프록시 역할. · 특히나 비상시 외부 인터넷이 느리거나 리포지토리가 다운되는 등 여러 상황에서도 빠르게 받을 수 있다. · 현재 메이븐에 올라.. 2020. 12. 21.
Introducing Workflow API Ref. medium.com/pixboost/introducing-workflow-api-f0ed964ba9a1 Hey there, It’s been a while since our last post. However, we didn’t chill out but worked hard to deliver a new feature. And today we are happy to announce that now Pixboost supports workflows API. What is it? There are things that you could do manually. For instance, you can login to Pixboost and clear the image cache for the specif.. 2020. 12. 7.
같은 듯 다른 사용자경험(UX)과 고객경험(CX) Ref. https://uxd-trend.tistory.com/37 http://uxmas.com/2013/ux-vs-cx http://www.slideshare.net/nielsa/user-experience-vs-customer-experience-samesame-but-different 2013년에 개념이 잡혔는데.. 관심이 없다가 이제야 확인하네요. 감사합니다. "UX 디자이너입니다." "UX 리서치가 필요합니다." 이 블로그를 방문하시는 분들이라면 이 말은 들어보셨겠지요? 그렇다면, "회사에서 CX를 담당하고 있습니다." 이런 말은 얼마나 자주 들어보셨고 이해하고 계신가요? UX(User Experience)와 CX(Customer Experience) 간 의미 차이는 대상을 지칭하는 User와.. 2020. 11. 30.
A Quick Introduction to UML Sequence Diagrams ref. www.tracemodeler.com/articles/a_quick_introduction_to_uml_sequence_diagrams/ This UML sequence diagram tutorial introduces the commonly used elements of UML sequence diagrams and explains how to use them. All diagrams in this guide were created with Trace Modeler, an easy-to-use and smart editor for UML sequence diagrams developed by the author. Check out the 30 sec demo to see how easy it .. 2020. 11. 26.
[MQTT] MQTT의 개념 Ref. yhcting.tistory.com/entry/Essay-HDLHigh-Level-Design%EC%9D%80-%EC%96%B8%EC%A0%9C-%EC%99%84%EB%A3%8C%EB%90%98%EC%97%88%EB%8B%A4%EA%B3%A0-%EB%B3%BC-%EC%88%98-%EC%9E%88%EB%8A%94%EA%B0%80khj93.tistory.com/entry/MQTT-MQTT%EC%9D%98-%EA%B0%9C%EB%85%90 사물 통신(M2M: Machine to Machine), 사물 인터넷(IoT: Internet of Things)과 같이 대역폭이 제한된 통신 환경에 최적화하여 개발된 푸시 기술(push technology) 기반의 경량 메시지 전송 프로토콜이다. MQTT 프로토콜.. 2020. 10. 5.
HDL(HIGH LEVEL DESIGN)의 형식 Ref. yhcting.tistory.com/entry/Essay-HDLHigh-Level-Design%EC%9D%80-%EC%96%B8%EC%A0%9C-%EC%99%84%EB%A3%8C%EB%90%98%EC%97%88%EB%8B%A4%EA%B3%A0-%EB%B3%BC-%EC%88%98-%EC%9E%88%EB%8A%94%EA%B0%80 HLD이든 LLD(Low Level Design)이든 결국 block diagram의 형태 (Component 단위든, Class단위의 UML이든...)일 수 밖에 없고, 얼마나 작은 단위의 block까지 명세하느냐에 따라 구분되어 질 것이다. 그럼 이런 block diagram에서 가장 중요한 요소는 무엇인가? 결국 'Design'이라는 측면에서 본다면, 각 block의.. 2020. 10. 2.
Initialize your IPFS Repository Ref. https://github.com/ipfs-shipyard/ipfs-primer/blob/12d7298f436fa83e8395ade6969d2a4df298b334/install-ipfs/lessons/initialize-repository.md Goals After doing this Lesson you will be able to Initialize a local ipfs repository Locate where IPFS stores the contents of your local IPFS repository Open the IPFS Configuration file Steps Step 1: Initialize the Repository Use the ipfs init command to i.. 2020. 8. 7.
IPFS concepts Ref. https://docs.ipfs.io/concepts/ New to IPFS or the distributed web? Here's where to get started on understanding the key ingredients in what makes IPFS work. Because IPFS is a system that hopes to change how we use the Internet, it comes with many new concepts! This section aims to get you up to speed quickly. #Video overviews Want the basics, in theater mode? Check out these Core Courses fr.. 2020. 8. 7.
IPFS Desktop Ref. https://github.com/ipfs-shipyard/ipfs-desktop A desktop client for IPFS. You don't need the command line to run an IPFS node. Just install IPFS Desktop and have all the power of IPFS in your hands. Powered by Web UI. Download the latest release Mac - IPFS-Desktop-0.11.4.dmg or brew cask install ipfs Windows - IPFS-Desktop-Setup-0.11.4.exe or choco install ipfs-desktop Linux - see the instal.. 2020. 8. 6.
IPFS 설치하기 및 관련 정보 링크 Ref. https://steemit.com/kr/@wonsama/kr-dev-ipfs 1. Why IPFS ? 왜 IPFS를 써야 되는가 ? Blockchain + DIDs (Distribution Identifications) 인증 + IPFS 파일공유 를 통한 콜라보레이션(협업) !! 스팀잇 글쓰기 블록사이즈 (65k) 등의 한계를 넘을 수 있음. ( 예시 > d.Tube 등 ) URL로 손쉽게 파일 공유가 가능 [그림] IPFS로 올려 본 IPFS 로고 주소 : https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmTDfwTbTkq8k36wPcpAaJWKgUkdmfUFWotWEmKJscHFxE [그림] IPFS로 올려 본 IPFS 로고 주소 : https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmZ5GPnQMiAdfKc.. 2020. 8. 6.
Introduction to IPFS: Run Nodes on Your Network, with HTTP Gateways Ref. https://medium.com/@rossbulat/introduction-to-ipfs-set-up-nodes-on-your-network-with-http-gateways-10e21ea689a4 How to install IPFS nodes across your VPS network and configure your own Gateways You’ve heard of the IPFS distributed file system and want to start adopting the technology in your stack — after all, a distributed, decentralised future is one that we will inevitably come to see. T.. 2020. 8. 6.
Managing Amazon SNS Subscription Attributes with AWS CloudFormation Ref. https://aws.amazon.com/ko/blogs/compute/managing-amazon-sns-subscription-attributes-with-aws-cloudformation/?nc1=h_ls This post is courtesy of Otavio Ferreira, Manager, Amazon SNS, AWS Messaging. Amazon SNS is a fully managed pub/sub messaging and event-driven computing service that can decouple distributed systems and microservices. By default, when your publisher system posts a message to.. 2020. 8. 6.
Microsoft REST API Guidelines Microsoft REST API Guidelines Working Group NameNameName Dave Campbell (CTO C+E) Rick Rashid (CTO ASG) John Shewchuk (Technical Fellow, TED HQ) Mark Russinovich (CTO Azure) Steve Lucco (Technical Fellow, DevDiv) Murali Krishnaprasad (Azure App Plat) Rob Howard (ASG) Peter Torr (OSG) Chris Mullins (ASG) Document editors: John Gossman (C+E), Chris Mullins (ASG), Gareth Jones (ASG), Rob Dolin (C+E).. 2019. 11. 14.