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UML Made Easy with PlantUML & VS Code Ref. www.codeproject.com/Articles/1278703/UML-Made-Easy-with-PlantUML-VS-Code This article begins to look at UML. A couple of diagrams are discussed from a top level, while the focus is more on PlantUML. Introduction UML stands for Unified Modeling Language. It’s a general-purpose modeling language to standardize a way to visualize the architecture of software systems. It was developed by Grady .. 2021. 1. 13.
[Tool] collectd 설치하기 가볍고 사용하기 쉬운 network monitoring system “collectd”Background평소 SNMP(Simple Network Management Protocol)와 MRTG(Multi Router Traffic Grapher)를 이용하여 System Resource Monitoring을 해왔으나, 지표 추가하는데 MRTG 설정 파일 수정이 복잡하고, 귀찮아서 좀 더 편하게 System Monitoring을 하고자 자료 좀 찾아봤다. Network monitoring tool에 대한 위키페이지를 보던 중 회사, 해외 *nix community에서 종종 접해 눈에 익숙한collectd를 선택했다.What is collectd?collectd는 한 host의 system resources .. 2014. 11. 14.
Software: Other Applications: Wireshark Display Filter Examples DISPLAY FILTEREXPLANATIONEXAMPLEeth.addrsource or destination mac-addresseth.addr == 00:1a:6b:ce:fc:bbeth.srcsource mac-addresseth.src == 00:1a:6b:ce:fc:bbeth.dstdestination mac-addresseth.dst == 00:1a:6b:ce:fc:bbarp.dst.hw_mactarget mac-addressarp.dst.hw_mac == 00:1a:6b:ce:fc:bbarp.dst.proto_ipv4target IPv4 addressarp.dst.proto_ipv4 == mac-addressarp.src.hw_mac =.. 2014. 7. 31.