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How to uninstall an npm Node package, locally or globally

by 로샤스 2020. 8. 6.

Ref. https://flaviocopes.com/npm-uninstall-packages/

Published Aug 16, 2018

To uninstall a package you have previously installed locally (using npm install <package-name> in the node_modules folder, run

npm uninstall <package-name>

from the project root folder (the folder that contains the node_modules folder).

Using the -S flag, or --save, this operation will also remove the reference in the package.json file.

If the package was a development dependency, listed in the devDependencies of the package.json file, you must use the -D / --save-dev flag to remove it from the file:

npm uninstall -S <package-name> npm uninstall -D <package-name>

If the package is installed globally, you need to add the -g / --global flag:

npm uninstall -g <package-name>

for example:

npm uninstall -g webpack

and you can run this command from anywhere you want on your system because the folder where you currently are does not matter.

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