JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a convenient, readable and easy to use data exchange format that is both lightweight and human-readable(like XML, but without the bunch of markup).
If you have a json array and want to read and print its value, you have to use php function
json_decode(string $json, [optional{true, false}]).
If you pass a valid JSON string into the json decode function, you will get an object of type stdClass back. Here's a short example:
<?php $string = '{"first_name": "Anup", "last_name": "Shakya"}'; $result = json_decode($string); // Result: stdClass Object ( [first_name] => Anup: [last_name] => Shakya ) print_r($result); // Prints "Anup" echo $result->first_name; // Prints "Shakya" echo $result->last_name; ?>
If you want to get an associative array back instead, set the second parameter to true:
<?php $string = '{"first_name": "Anup", "last_name": "Shakya"}'; $result = json_decode($string, true); // Result: Array ( [first_name] => Anup: [last_name] => Shakya ) print_r($result); // Prints "Anup" echo $result['first_name']; // Prints "Shakya" echo $result['last_name']; ?>
If you want to know more about JSON, here is an official website of JSON.
Reference: http://developer-paradize.blogspot.co.nz/2013/06/how-to-read-value-from-json-using-php.html
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