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Metadata request timed out issue on Icehouse

by 로샤스 2014. 8. 7.

Hi Friends,

I have configured Openstack Icehouse on Centos 6.5 64-bit through "packstack --allinone" command. I am able to run the instances but not able to connect to the instances through keypair on the floating IP. Whereas I am able to ping the Floating IP and connect to the cirros test image via Username & passowrd but not able to login onto Fedora 20 or 19 Images via keypairs. Got the below error in the logs of the instance through the Horizon Dashboard

[   64.078407] cloud-init[475]: 2014-07-01 07:32:12,768 - url_helper.py[WARNING]: Calling '' failed [50/120s]: request error [HTTPConnectionPool(host='', port=80): Request timed out. (timeout=50.0)]
[  115.137845] cloud-init[475]: 2014-07-01 07:33:03,828 - url_helper.py[WARNING]: Calling '' failed [101/120s]: request error [HTTPConnectionPool(host='', port=80): Request timed out. (timeout=50.0)]
[  133.159112] cloud-init[475]: 2014-07-01 07:33:21,849 - url_helper.py[WARNING]: Calling '' failed [119/120s]: request error [HTTPConnectionPool(host='', port=80): Request timed out. (timeout=17.0)]
[  134.162079] cloud-init[475]: 2014-07-01 07:33:22,851 - DataSourceEc2.py[CRITICAL]: Giving up on md from [''] after 120 seconds
[  134.170335] cloud-init[475]: 2014-07-01 07:33:22,857 - url_helper.py[WARNING]: Calling '' failed [0/120s]: request error [HTTPConnectionPool(host='', port=80): Max retries exceeded with url: //latest/meta-data/instance-id (Caused by <class 'socket.error'>: [Errno 111] Connection refused)]

Ran few commands to dig further but not able to understand where is the issue

ip netns exec qrouter-ec11a04f-9e2a-42a4-b5c0-519ab5139e09 iptables -S -t nat | grep 169.254

-A neutron-l3-agent-PREROUTING -d -p tcp -m tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 9697

ip netns exec qrouter-ec11a04f-9e2a-42a4-b5c0-519ab5139e09 netstat -anpt

Active Internet connections (servers and established)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address               Foreign Address             State       PID/Program name   
tcp        0      0      *                   LISTEN      3363/python

ps -efm | grep -i 3363

root      3363     1  0 16:56 ?        00:00:00 /usr/bin/python /usr/bin/neutron-ns-metadata-proxy --pid_file=/var/lib/neutron/external/pids/ec11a04f-9e2a-42a4-b5c0-519ab5139e09.pid --metadata_proxy_socket=/var/lib/neutron/metadata_proxy --router_id=ec11a04f-9e2a-42a4-b5c0-519ab5139e09 --state_path=/var/lib/neutron --metadata_port=9697 --verbose --log-file=neutron-ns-metadata-proxy-ec11a04f-9e2a-42a4-b5c0-519ab5139e09.log --log-dir=/var/log/neutron

But If I do netstat -atpn | grep 9697 nothing is returned.

netstat -atpn | grep -i 8775
tcp        0      0      *                   LISTEN      2516/python

Status of various openstack services

openstack-ceilometer-alarm-evaluator (pid  2182) is running...
openstack-ceilometer-alarm-notifier (pid  2191) is running...
openstack-ceilometer-api (pid  2207) is running...
openstack-ceilometer-central (pid  2216) is running...
openstack-ceilometer-collector (pid  2226) is running...
openstack-ceilometer-compute (pid  2236) is running...
openstack-ceilometer-agent-notification (pid  2244) is running...
openstack-cinder-api (pid  2252) is running...
openstack-cinder-backup (pid  2260) is running...
openstack-cinder-scheduler (pid  2268) is running...
openstack-cinder-volume (pid  2777) is running...
openstack-glance-api (pid  2284) is running...
openstack-glance-registry (pid  2292) is running...
openstack-glance-scrubber is stopped
openstack-nova-api (pid  2516) is running...
openstack-nova-cert (pid  2524) is running...
openstack-nova-compute (pid  2532) is running...
openstack-nova-conductor (pid  2540) is running...
openstack-nova-console is stopped
openstack-nova-consoleauth (pid  2548) is running...
openstack-nova-metadata-api is stopped
openstack-nova-novncproxy (pid  2556) is running...
openstack-nova-scheduler (pid  2564) is running...
openstack-nova-spicehtml5proxy is stopped
openstack-nova-xvpvncproxy is stopped
openstack-swift-account (pid  2584) is running...
openstack-swift-account-auditor (pid  2606) is running...
openstack-swift-account-reaper (pid  2617) is running...
openstack-swift-account-replicator (pid  2624) is running...
openstack-swift-container (pid  2631) is running...
openstack-swift-container-auditor (pid  2645) is running...
openstack-swift-container-replicator (pid  2655) is running...
openstack-swift-container-updater (pid  2668) is running...
openstack-swift-object (pid  2680) is running...
openstack-swift-object-auditor (pid  2700) is running...
openstack-swift-object-expirer is stopped
openstack-swift-object-replicator (pid  2707) is running...
openstack-swift-object-updater (pid  2714) is running...
openstack-swift-proxy (pid  2725) is running...
Status of node 'rabbit@openstack-in' ...

What could be the issue and where should I look for.

Thanks & Regards

Ankush Grover

출처 : https://ask.openstack.org/en/question/33583/metadata-request-timed-out-issue-on-icehouse/
