사업자들 애플리케이션에 DPI 탑재 검토, 2018년 20억불 시장 전망
통신네트웍 전문 조사업체인 미국 인포네틱스 리서치는 2014년 4월 22일, 무선및 유선망에 구축된 DPI(Deep Packet Inspection) 소프트웨어 솔루션과 관련 하드웨어 시장을 조사한 Service Provider Deep Packet Inspection Products 보고서를 발표했습니다.
ANALYST NOTE(애널리스트 노트) by Shira Levine, directing analyst for service enablement and subscriber intelligence at Infonetics
인포네틱스의 service enablement and subscriber intelligence 분야 최고 조사 책임자인 쉬라 레빈의 분석입니다.
"DPI 시장 중 , 특히 모바일 DPI 시장은 기본적인 트래픽 관리 뿐만 아니라 새로운 가격정책과 서비스를 제공을 지원하기 위한 필요성으로 인해 여전히 역동적인 시장입니다.
이런 점에서 인포네틱스는 보안, 비디오 최적화, 매출 및 서비스 보장과 같은 다양한 애플리케이션에 DPI기능을 임베딩하는 부문에 사업자들의 관심이 계속된다고 봅니다. 이것이 바로 Qosmos의 ixEngine과 Procera의 NAVL 과 같은 진화된 패킷클래스를 제공하는 임베디드 솔루션에 대한 수요를 촉발시키는 것입니다."
(그림. 전세계 DPI 시장 전망)
- 2013년 사업자들의 DPI솔루션에 대한 지출은 23%가 늘어난 7억 2천 8백만불이며, 2018년에는 20억불로 증가할 전망입니다.
- 2013년 DPI시장 점유율 1위는 신규고객과 기존고객의 추가 오더를 수주한 Sandvine이 차지했으며, Allot, Cisco와 Procera 가 뒤를 이었습니다.
- 최근 법제정으로 인한, 망 중립성은 더 이상 미국에서는 큰 이슈가 아닙니다. 하지만 특별 우대 및 트래픽 거부 및 속도 저하등을 금지하는 망중립성 보장법은 다른 지역, 특히 EU에서는 여전히 DPI 투자에 대한 걸림돌로 남아있습니다.
- DPI기술이 네트웍 전체에 걸쳐 보다 효율적으로 구축될 수 있도록 해주는 가상화는 향후 DPI구축 전략 변화시킬 크나큰 잠재력을 보유하고 있습니다.
본 보고서는 연간 2회 업데이트되며, 유무선 서비스네트웍에 사용되는 Deep Packet Inspection 제품의 전세계, 지역별 시장규모, 2018년 전망 및 분석을 제공합니다. 조사 대상 벤더는Allot, Arbor, Cisco, Huawei, Procera, Qosmos, Sandvine 입니다.
Operators look to embed deep packet inspection (DPI) in apps; Market growing to $2B by 2018
Campbell, CALIFORNIA, April 22, 2014—Market research firm Infonetics Research released excerpts from its latest Service Provider Deep Packet Inspection Products report, which tracks deep packet inspection (DPI) software solutions and related hardware deployed in wireless and fixed-line networks.
“The deep packet inspection (DPI) market, particularly the mobile opportunity, remains a dynamic one, with momentum driven by not only basic traffic management requirements, but also by the need to support new pricing and service offerings,” says Shira Levine, directing analyst for service enablement and subscriber intelligence at Infonetics Research.
“As this occurs,” Levine continues, “We’re seeing continued interest in embedding DPI functionality in applications such as security, video optimization, and revenue and service assurance, which is driving demand for embedded solutions that provide advanced packet classification, such as Qosmos’ ixEngine and Procera’s NAVL.”
- Operator spending on deep packet inspection (DPI) solutions grew 23% to $728 million in 2013, and is forecast by Infonetics to top $2 billion in 2018
- Sandvine leads 2013 DPI market share, buoyed by a surge of new customers and a number of follow-on orders; Allot, Cisco, and Procera round out the top 4
- Due to recent legal developments, net neutrality is now less of an issue in the U.S., but it remains a barrier to DPI investment in other markets, especially the European Union, which prohibits preferential treatment and bars traffic blocking and throttling
- Virtualization holds the potential to significantly change DPI deployment strategies over time, enabling DPI technology to be deployed more cost-effectively throughout the network
Clients, log in to join Shira Levine April 30 at noon EDT for her latest DPI market recap and outlook, or view on demand: https://www.infonetics.com/cgp/login.asp?id=850.
Infonetics’ biannual DPI report provides worldwide and regional market size, vendor market share, forecasts through 2018, analysis, and trends for deep packet inspection products used in wireless and fixed-line service provider networks. Companies tracked: Allot, Arbor, Cisco, Huawei, Procera, Qosmos, Sandvine, and others. To buy the report, contact Infonetics: http://www.infonetics.com/contact.asp.
- Operators internalizing API development, name Huawei and Oracle top SDP vendors
- As businesses turn to the IoT for growth, M2M WAN connections set to triple by 2018
- Policy management now a $1 billion market, with mobile leading the way
- APIs and M2M gold rush drive big spending in SDP market
- Convergent charging market lifting as operators replace first-gen systems and roll out LTE
- Trend in using policy management to innovate services and pricing causing vendor shifts
Download Infonetics’ 2014 market research brochure, publication calendar, events brochure, report highlights, tables of contents, and more at http://www.infonetics.com/login.
- Analyst Note: MWC14 Highlights Hurdles to Evolution
- Analyst Note: Oracle Comms Dives Deeper into the Network with SDN/NFV
- Policy Management Vendor Scorecard
- Subscriber Data Management Software and Services Market Size and Forecasts
- Worldwide M2M Service Provider Leadership Analysis
- Convergent Charging Software and Services Market Share and Forecasts
- Service Delivery Platform Vendor Scorecard
- Convergent Charging Strategies and Vendor Leadership: Service Provider Survey
Visit https://www.infonetics.com/infonetics-events to register for upcoming webinars, view recent webinars on demand, or learn about sponsoring a webinar.
- New DNS-based DDoS Attacks Demand Advanced Mitigation Tools (Apr. 29: Attend)
- NFV: The Nitty Gritty (May 8: Attend)
- Monetizing APIs: Market Trends, Use Cases, and Reality Check (View on-demand)
- Adding Value to the Network with Integrated Policy and Charging (View on-demand)
- The Role of Service Delivery Platforms in M2M (May 20: Sponsor)
- Incorporating Policy and Charging Control into SDNs (June 17: Sponsor)
- N. America (West), Asia Pacific: Larry Howard, larry@infonetics.com, +1-408-583-3335
- N. America (East, Midwest), Latin America: Scott Coyne, scott@infonetics.com, +1-408-583-3395
- EMEA, India, Singapore: George Stojsavljevic, george@infonetics.com, +44-755-488-1623
- Japan, South Korea, China, Taiwan: http://www.infonetics.com/contact.asp
Infonetics Research (www.infonetics.com) is an international market research and consulting firm serving the communications industry since 1990. A leader in defining and tracking emerging and established technologies in all world regions, Infonetics helps clients plan, strategize, and compete more effectively. View Infonetics' brief About Us slides at http://bit.ly/QUrbrV.
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